Selasa, 01 Desember 2009

Modern estate in the middle of nature

Modern estate, modern home design, modern house design, modern architecture

This home is located ten minutes from downtown Newnan, Georgia (about an hour from Atlanta) is on a farm 200 acres which includes both the 20 acres and 10 acres of lakes stocked pond.

Modern estate, modern home design, modern house design, modern architecture

Modern estate, modern home design, modern house design, modern architecture

A house with three bedrooms has a family room, library / office, and-in porch that juts away from home and into the water.

Modern estate, modern home design, modern house design, modern architecture

Modern estate, modern home design, modern house design, modern architecture

Imagine walking through the Georgia woods and came upon this quiet modern home. One good thing about having large areas is that you can have a glass wall as in a house listed at $ 6.5 million of this and not worry about your privacy.

Modern estate, modern home design, modern house design, modern architecture


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