Rabu, 20 Januari 2010

Modern beach house

Modern beach house, modern house, modern architecture,modern home design

This modern house is located in North Ocean Blvd. in Delray Beach, Florida. The position of this house is right on the beach.

Modern beach house, modern house, modern architecture,modern home design

Modern beach house, modern house, modern architecture,modern home design
Built in 2005, close to home with 7,000 square feet spread over three stories.

Modern beach house, modern house, modern architecture,modern home design

Modern beach house, modern house, modern architecture,modern home design

The house is surrounded by elements of water, including swimming pool, waterfall and spa. The foyer includes a waterfall and koi pond and glass staircase leading to the kitchen and dining room above.

Modern beach house, modern house, modern architecture,modern home design

Modern beach house, modern house, modern architecture,modern home design

Modern beach house, modern house, modern architecture,modern home design

The second floor is home to a gourmet kitchen, living room with terrace, media room and a private library that leads to the third floor holding area. There is also a guest bedroom for guests.

Modern beach house, modern house, modern architecture,modern home design


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