Minggu, 14 Februari 2010

Modern home design in Takatsuki

Modern home design in Takatsuki, modern residential

Seen as the volume of solid from the outside, modern home design shows a closed expression for the road.

Modern home design in Takatsuki, modern residential

Modern home design in Takatsuki, modern residential

Black panel to face corrugated wrap design of this house form in almost all surfaces except on some semi-transparent windows that enliven the appearance in some parts of the house.

Modern home design in Takatsuki, modern residential

Modern home design in Takatsuki, modern residential

Modern home design in Takatsuki, modern residential

Of pages in the interior, cherry trees that grow there and can be observed from the street and alley, serves as the focal point of the outer space.

Modern home design in Takatsuki, modern residential

Modern home design in Takatsuki, modern residential

Modern home design in Takatsuki, modern residential

Modern home design in Takatsuki, modern residential

By integrating with interior pages, then acquired the space feel more spacious.

Modern home design in Takatsuki, modern residential

Modern home design in Takatsuki, modern residential


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