Sabtu, 01 Mei 2010

The minimalist T-House architecture

The modern and minimalist T-House architecture

Composition of the two dominant colors, black and white on the display boxes stacked outside the house this further adds to the impression of a minimalist. This building seems like a black box on top is superimposed on the white box underneath.

The modern and minimalist T-House architecture

In terms of the predominantly white interior gives the impression of a clean and comfortable. Furniture and household equipment used is designed with simple and practical form and is still largely dominated by white color so that it remains modern impression.

The modern and minimalist T-House architecture

The modern and minimalist T-House architecture

One thing more amazing than the design of this house lighting from the lighting arranged so that in addition to impressive modern minimalist house is also beautiful and romantic.

The modern and minimalist T-House architecture

The modern and minimalist T-House architecture

The modern and minimalist T-House architecture

The modern and minimalist T-House architecture

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