Selasa, 01 Februari 2011

Minimalist, Simple and Modern


Such as whether the concept of minimalism we want? Many minimalist concept will diingikan by many people but it will lead to a conclusion the concept of minimalism, which instead has a lot of everything, has a minimalist focus on fewer things, but in higher quality or sentimental value.

Minimalist-Simple-and-Modern, A Minimalist Living Room
A Minimalist Living Room

Minimalist-Simple-and-Modern, A Minimalist Bed Room
A Minimalist Bed Room

A minimalist house has what it takes, and not much else. It's also very peaceful (not to mention easy to clean).

Minimalist-Simple-and-Modern, A Minimalist Bath Room
A Minimalist Bath Room

Minimalist-Simple-and-Modern, A Minimalist Kitchen
A Minimalist Kitchen

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1 comments: on "Minimalist, Simple and Modern"

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