Sabtu, 30 Januari 2010

MOMO modular, modern home design for Swedish-style summer

modern home designs for summer

MOMO stands Modernistiskt Modulhuskoncept and in Sweden this design for the "modern module house concept".

modern home designs for summer

Designed by architect Thomas Lind, the first of these 107 square feet modulars will be assembled in Sweden in the summer of 2008. What makes it green? Their small size, solid wood materials, a roof that is to be a blend of water-storing succulents and grasses and a built-in stretched cloth shade.

modern home designs for summer

modern home designs for summer

Billed as a Summer Home, each MOMO module is priced at about $25,000. Not bad at all. Get several friends in on the idea and assemble a sleek-looking stay cool Swedish summer commune.

modern home designs for summer

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