Rabu, 03 Februari 2010

Modern house in the Forest

Modern house in the Forest

Located between Seattle and Eastern Washington, with the sloping site conditions amid the mountains and woods, the house presents a wonderful view of the mountains which was constructed based on several criteria proposed by the owner of this house to the architect who adapted to the surrounding environment but do not forget the modern feel.

Modern house in the Forest

Modern house in the Forest

Modern house in the Forest

Modern house in the Forest

Modern house in the Forest

This building looks like a house located on a simple box-shaped stone construction. This stone construction besides functioned as a warehouse / storage area, as if it also functioned as a prop that leveled the main building houses on them to keep it flat does not follow the contours of the sloping land.

Modern house in the Forest, modern simple kitchen

Modern house in the Forest, simple and fresh bedroom

Modern house in the Forest

Modern house in the Forest, modern and simple bathroom

Modern house in the Forest


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