Rabu, 17 Maret 2010

Modern Small House: "B-Line Small"

Modern Small House, modern small residence

Projects in the following figure called "B-Line Small" was built at a cost of $ 185/sq ft and a total area of ​​990 square meters consisting of 6 rooms is 2 bedrooms, living room, kitchen, dining room and bathroom.

Modern Small House, modern small residence

The building was initiated by a company called Hive Modular, a company that produces and sells modular prefab modern with an emphasis on excellent architectural design.

Modern Small House, modern small residence

Modern Small House, modern small residence

Modern Small House, modern small residence

Modern Small House, modern small residence

Modern Small House, modern small residence

Modern Small House, modern small residence

Modern Small House, modern small residence

This home shows great example of a modern home without a lot of things that are not important, easy to build and use green technology.


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