Senin, 05 April 2010

Compact house with car shape

Compact house with car shape, unique home design, houses with car shape

The unusual car-home is located near Salzburg, Austria. Voglreiter Auto Residence owned by designer Mark Voglreiter with extraordinary design.

Compact house with car shape, unique home design, houses with car shape

Although it looks like a house that has wheels, but can not move or change places.

Compact house with car shape, unique home design, houses with car shape

The idea came from the architect after seeing the potential of the house style of the 70s.

Compact house with car shape, unique home design, houses with car shape

This house looks small, but compact with sagala faslitas support such as a house in general.

Compact house with car shape, unique home design, houses with car shape

Compact house with car shape, unique home design, houses with car shape


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