Sabtu, 17 April 2010

Modern-Style House

Modern-Style House, modern house design in arizona

The design of this house from a glance looks like a box-shaped bunker, but a nice and beautiful. With the dominant form of the box, as it looks like a wooden box wrapped in glass with steel frame and placed over a stone box.

Modern-Style House, modern house design in arizona

Dominance of the use of glass as a barrier between the space to provide flexibility in the eye could see, so the building was seen to have a spacious and luxurious interior.

Modern-Style House, modern house design in arizona

Steel frame, black solid impressive modern building. The use of glass on the sides impressively shiny and luxurious, especially at night where the glass will be more involved when exposed to light.

Modern-Style House, modern house design in arizona

Modern-Style House, modern house design in arizona

Modern-Style House, modern house design in arizona

Modern impression is also visible from the rooftop swimming pool with a slide.

Modern-Style House, modern house design in arizona

Modern-Style House, modern house design in arizona

Modern-Style House, modern house design in arizona

Modern-Style House, modern house design in arizona

Impression of a natural shine with exposure to wood and stone surfaces are highlighted by light at night and clearly visible during the day because sunlight can freely penetrate the glass.

Modern-Style House, modern house design in arizona

The majority of the furniture used to use a natural material that impressed with the blend of classic and modern design that produces a beautiful and exotic appearance but modern.


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