Selasa, 12 Januari 2010

Attract Power of the Modern shophouse facade

Modern shophouse facade

Variations of the facade which is increasingly interesting and unique is now not only easy to find at home, but also a modern shophouse. The presence of the facade seems increasingly reinforce the motto of modern shophouse as my home, my work, my place.

Iridescence be one way to make a modern shophouse facade was impressive.

Modern shophouse facade

One of the advantages to be acquired by a shophouse is when working people feel the chemistry works, while when doing family activities people can experience home chimestry

The distinctive feature of the facade of the house is often used as the easiest guide for guests who will visit, in order to more easily find their home. Either by color or shape, the more interesting and unique facade, it is increasingly easy to find a home for our guests as well.

Modern shophouse facade

In addition to the color game, another way you can do to make impressive facade is a game element, such as the use of creations on the roof and pillars.

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