Senin, 08 Februari 2010

Simple eco-friendly residential

Modern and Simple eco-friendly residential design

This simple shelter that was created by Canadian architect, Todd Sauders. The basic concept behind this building is as an alternative to minimize environmental impact with classy designs and use materials that are inexpensive and environmentally friendly.

Modern and Simple eco-friendly residential design

From the simplicity of the design is expected to ease in the works though the number of tenants with low and can be applied in various types of locations, as well as easy to change or do development.

Modern and Simple eco-friendly residential design

This building has a stylish mix of classic modernism, straight lines and pure volume, use of materials from wood and a special contact with nature, which is given by the minimum clearance between the inner and outer space.
Structural composition was developed in two modules. The biggest is the main cabin with the bedroom and one who works as is. Separated by a step beyond 2.43 m. width is an additional module, which consists of a bathroom, toilet and sauna. The party had to leave and face the interior of nature when a person needs to move from one unit to another.

Modern and Simple eco-friendly residential design

The main cabin size is 3.66 m. x 7.32 m. (27 m2). Auxiliary cabin size is 2.43 m. x 4.87 m. (12 m2), separated by a gap that is not included in the same size. The basic ingredients are made with a wooden platform measuring 4.87 mx 12.19 m (60 m2 approx.).

Modern and Simple eco-friendly residential design

The prototype was built with local materials, non-toxic and recyclable. Exterior panel is a panel consisting of high density core of cellulose fibers impregnated with phenolic thermosetting resin and a natural wood surface is protected with a layer of acrylic resin. Reconstituted wood interior panels and straw and not like a traditional lack of formaldehyde, highly toxic substances. They are also coated with phenolic resin to protect them from moisture and ultraviolet rays from the sun.

The windows and doors cedar wood, rapidly renewable resources and manufactured for this purpose, while the double glazing of the openings reduce heat transfer coefficient. The roof is also in the cedar and the floors are covered with plywood.
Wastewater treatment system based on a composite product or "composite", which breaks down dirt.

Heated by stoves that work with wood burning mangarahkan allows direct heat to where you want. Sauna uses the same resources. Regarding water supply, the cottage has a mechanism attached to the faucet and the shower to avoid the unnecessary use.


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