Jumat, 05 Februari 2010

Modern homes in the area sloping

Modern homes in the area sloping

Take advantage of natural slope of the location of buildings standing, resulting in a building with a stunning design. basic concepts of building forms the shape of the curve S.

Modern homes in the area sloping

Modern homes in the area sloping

From the outside, this building looks like a concrete slab that is folded in the form of S.

Modern homes in the area sloping

Modern homes in the area sloping, modern interior design

The interior of this house are drafted without any barrier between spaces. The living room, dining room, bedroom and kitchen are not limited or hindered by the wall, however, the space flows seamlessly through the length of the building. This original design is not only creating a beautiful exterior, but inside is equally impressive, integration simplicity and convenience.

Modern homes in the area sloping, modern interior design

Modern homes in the area sloping, modern interior design

Modern homes in the area sloping, modern interior design

Modern homes in the area sloping

Modern homes in the area sloping


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