Kamis, 11 Februari 2010

Modern residential design with a fantastic overhange

Ultra modern home design, Modern residential design with a fantastic overhange

A large overhang with a length of eight feet that serves as tritisan, a projection of the upper floor, which is based on a cube-shaped building as the ground floor.

Ultra modern home design, Modern residential design with a fantastic overhange

Ultra modern home design, Modern residential design with a fantastic overhange

Ultra modern home design, Modern residential design with a fantastic overhange

Glimpse of this building looks like a stranded ship or aircraft. striking use of color on the top floor of the building to highlight a special form and expression of the upper floor.

Ultra modern home design, Modern residential design with a fantastic overhange

Ultra modern home design, Modern residential design with a fantastic overhange

Ultra modern home design, Modern residential design with a fantastic overhange

Ultra modern home design, Modern residential design with a fantastic overhange

Ultra modern home design, Modern residential design with a fantastic overhange

Ultra modern home design, Modern residential design with a fantastic overhange

Ultra modern home design, Modern residential design with a fantastic overhange

Ultra modern home design, Modern residential design with a fantastic overhange

Ultra modern home design, Modern residential design with a fantastic overhange

Ultra modern home design, Modern residential design with a fantastic overhange

Ultra modern home design, Modern residential design with a fantastic overhange

Ultra modern home design, Modern residential design with a fantastic overhange

Ultra modern home design, Modern residential design with a fantastic overhange

Ultra modern home design, Modern residential design with a fantastic overhange

Ultra modern home design, Modern residential design with a fantastic overhange

Ultra modern home design, Modern residential design with a fantastic overhange


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