Senin, 01 Maret 2010

Modern Deck House

Modern Deck House, modern timber house design

Deck house is a project from Felipe Assadi and Francisca Pulido began from an idea in a pile of wood. The priorities of the idea of ​​home is focused on the patio deck, and interior space was enough only for a large living room which is connected directly to the terrace. For the design of the house such as kitchen, dining room, and bedrooms are not a top priority. Therefore, the use of resources is also focused on the terrace and living room.

Modern Deck House, modern timber house design

Modern Deck House, modern timber house design

In practice during the Summer holidays, the house is only used for sleeping, it was decided to eliminate this concept, changing it to "sleep room where the space group aiming to live, almost entirely disappeared from the project.

Modern Deck House, modern timber house design

Modern Deck House, modern timber house design

For more information about about this project, you can read the source.

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