Senin, 03 Januari 2011

Modern hill house

Modern home design for hill house

The hill house is a smart idea from Johnston Marklee & ASSOCIATES in designing buildings that are located on sloping uneven area on the slopes of a hill.

Modern home design for hill house

Modern home design for hill house

Modern home design for hill house

From the location of this modern building houses a charming view is obtained from the Santa Monica Canyon.

Modern home design for hill house

Modern home design for hill house

Modern home design for hill house

Design hillside home use restrictions and zoning regulations to create spatial and structural opportunity - adopting the zoning envelope as a building form.

Modern home design for hill house

Modern home design for hill house

Dynamic form minimizes distinction between roof and wall areas while maximizing interior and exterior.

Modern home design for hill house

Modern home design for hill house

Via - Arkinetia

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